1,883 sqft
  • Townhome
  • Private dog park
  • Walking trails
  • Connected to regional trail system
  • 1 mile from Lake Elmo Park Reserve
  • See More

When you move to Union Park in Lake Elmo, you'll find yourself situated between the best of two worlds; on one side, you'll have the shopping and entertainment of Woodbury, and on the other, the rich traditions of historical Stillwater. It's rare to find two cities so close geographically that have such distinct personalities and offerings to build a life around. Union Park truly has something for everyone, and chances are, you won’t have to go far to find it.
Photo of Mailee

Tour our new homes in Union Park - Freedom Series

Visit one of our Sales Centers, or contact Mailee to schedule a virtual or in-person appointment
Available to Talk or Text at

(952) 234-7011

Online Sales Specialist Hours

7 Days a Week 11:00am - 6:00pm
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What's Life Like

Lake Elmo residents find themselves situated between the best of two worlds; the broadening convenience of a developing Woodbury and the rich traditions of historical Stillwater. It’s rare to find two cities so close geographically that have such distinct personalities and offerings to build a life around. All within a ten-minute drive from your new home, at Union Park, everyone can find something they will fall deeply in love with.

Request Info

Interested in living here? Tell us how to reach you, and we’ll be in touch. We look forward to answering any questions you may have about building with us and living in our homes.

Monday 11:00AM - 6:00PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:00AM - 6:00PM
Friday 11:00AM - 6:00PM
Saturday 11:00AM - 6:00PM
Sunday 11:00AM - 6:00PM

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Homeownership Within Reach

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The Right Time to Buy

Now is the right time to buy. Cut the stress of getting a new home loan with this mortgage loan documents checklist.

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With You Every Step of the Way

The mortgage process can be confusing, but it doesn't have to be. Information available in the Mortgage Learning Center can help you gain a better understanding of the process.

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PulteGroup strives to provide a positive customer experience to all our customers through accessibility and inclusion.